Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Accidental God again. And Lord of the Manor.

Yes, it's true, I've discovered a new world for a story or two. Yes, it was loosely inspired by a book on the history of cotton and the science of lightning. Yes, I think it has real potential and that I'm starting out the right way in creating that world and following the story.


I want to finish Accidental God and Lord of the Manor.

So I'm taking what I've been learning from this new world and I'm tackling the hard questions that I've been glossing over in my own mind for these other two books. I'm not far enough along that I feel paralyzed in trying to rework these books (like I do with Fat Tony and Pete and The Dog--the thought of trying to rewrite those substantially is terrifying), and I can go back and create the foundation I need for these two novels without too much difficulty or radical change to the manuscripts.

Okay, there will probably be some radical change. But I'm only thirty-thousand words into each of them, not even quite a third done! That's much better than seventy-thousand words in.

Back to work.

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