Monday, March 22, 2010

Pain, Suffering, and a Synopsis

I confess: I wrote more last night.  Yes, I have over 1,000 words waiting for another thousand to finish out the section so I can post it for you all to read.  Yes, all six of you.

However, another agent asked for a partial manuscript for Fat Tony.  And for a synopsis.  Yes, you heard right: a synopsis.  Through the miracle of TV magic, I shrank Fat Tony down into a nine page summary, finished editing the first fifty pages of the manuscript, and sent it off.  Over 2,300 words of creative writing, and none of it advanced the plot of City of Dreams.  So sorry.

Now, tomorrow will be dedicated to finishing up all the changes I'm making to Fat Tony, in anticipation of being asked for the full manuscript soon.  (If you're an agent reading this who has my query letter in hand, then ignore what I just wrote.  The entire manuscript is 100% complete.  And perfect.  And filled with puppies and rainbows and everything else that's nice.  You'll love it, and I'm not scrambling to get things tidied up at all.)

So I'll try for more City of Dreams tomorrow.  But no promises.  I hear pillows are good for catching tears, so I'd go there if you need to cry.


  1. Tsk, tsk, Andrew. Why do I get the impression that you're not stumbling along, in pain and suffering, with us?

  2. I went to sleep and dreamed I was reading part 18 and I was happy. Then I woke and felt the cold, wet, heavy wool coat that was your pain, suffering, and synopsis blog entry.

    Congrats on another agent inquiry and I'm glad you've got your priorities straight in spite of our moaning and groaning.

  3. If I had read this yesterday I might have been upset. But as I fell asleep on the couch last night, Wii remote in hand, while attempting to play Animal Crossing ... I forgive you. Especially since we have a Section 18 that is not a dream.

  4. @Ammie,

    It seems you had the wrong impression. The pain and suffering I referred to had nothing to do with my readers and any anguish they might have felt as a result of my delayed storytelling.

    I was entirely concerned about my own pain that I faced in having to write a synopsis. (I'm surprised I even had to explain how self-centered we writers are.)

  5. I just KNOW that last line was aimed at me, who can't stand waiting for new sections to be posted!

  6. @Kimbooly

    I really do feel bad that I can't write these books fast enough. In fact, as soon as I finish CITY OF DREAMS, I have to move right on to LORD OF THE MANSION (about the boy who inherits a mansion staffed entirely by demons), after which I have to charge ahead to THE QUEST FOR THE PERFECT ICE CREAM CONE (which is somewhat self explanatory), and I'm sure by then I'll have three other books in line.

    If it would help, and you haven't read it, I could send you an email copy of PETE AND THE DOG. If you've already read THAT, then I'm afraid I can only help you a day at a time.

  7. I can't WAIT for Lord of the Mansion!!! Oh happy day!
