Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I'm Tired

I hear that fatigue is not an excuse for not blogging. In fact, based on some blogs I've read, it seems that a person should be half asleep in order to really blog the right way.

Take, for example, Monson Mayhew Mariston, otherwise known as The Happy Hermeticist. Does the man simply refuse to face the fact--an extremely well documented fact--that the writings of Hermes Trismegistus have been proven--again and again--to be the equivalent of 2nd century pulp fiction? They were a soap opera, for crying out loud!

And here he is, our Mr. M and M and M, happily hiding his head in the sand. It's not magic, Monson, it's drool, it's drivel, it's dog-slobber (with all due apologies to The Dog).

All I can think is that he writes his blog when he's as tired as I am. Right now.

Good night.


  1. You're exhausted? It was posted before 10. How could you possibly be tired? Tiredness does not come until at least midnight, maybe later. :D

  2. I was going to comment about being sorry you are tired, but then I remembered that you don't like Coldplay, so I decided not to. :P
